Speaker Series: (In)Security: Europe and America in the Modern World
When? Mondays 14:15-15:45
Where? Room DE 2.121 (biology-building) or via Zoom
Join Gerlinde Groitl in welcoming a series of renowned speakers addressing the theme of (In)Security in the Modern World on Mondays throughout the summer semester 2023
Speaker Series on Transatlantic Security Issues
This series is organized by Dr. Gerlinde Groitl, associate professor in International and Transatlantic Relations at UR and co-coordinator of the ScienceCampus Research Module Transatlantic political transformations
Series summary
Security is a basic need for all societies and states. However, it is never guaranteed in the anarchic international system. Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine in 2022 shattered Europe’s security architecture for good. Europe and the United States are forced to respond to and come to grips with the changed security environment. The seminar is designed as a highly interactive format and offers graduate students and other interested participants the opportunity to discuss current affairs with renowned experts from academia, the think tank world and government – either on campus in Regensburg or via Zoom. The overall goal of the speaker series is two-fold. On the hand, participants will gain a firm understanding of major transatlantic security issues, while the various speakers will also help us explore current security challenges from different angles. On the other hand, the series gives graduate students a unique chance to interact with leading experts in a professional setting and helps them prepare for their postgraduate careers.