Workshop | State Descriptions Revisited: Historical Forms of Territorial Representations, 18th - 21st Centuries
The virtual workshop "State Descriptions Revisited" takes place on 20-21 January 2022.
20-21 January 2022
Leibniz ScienceCampus, Universität Regensburg, the Leibniz Institute for East and Southeast European Studies, and the Graduate School for East and Southeast European Studies in Regensburg
Organizers: Borbála Zsuzsanna Török (Centre for Global Cooperation Research, University Duisburg-Essen) and Guido Hausmann (IOS Regensburg)
The workshop “State Descriptions Revisited: Historical Forms of Territorial Representations, 18th - 21st Centuries” investigates the proliferation of the heterogeneous format of state descriptions on a global scale. It considers past representations of political spaces and their political backgrounds, perspectives, and styles, as well as their traces into the present.
This event is organized by Borbála Zsuzsanna Török (Centre for Global Cooperation Research, University Duisburg-Essen) and Guido Hausmann (IOS Regensburg). It is a cooperation between the Leibniz ScienceCampus, Universität Regensburg, the Leibniz Institute for East and Southeast European Studies, and the Graduate School for East and Southeast European Studies in Regensburg. It takes place on 20-21 January 2022 as a virtual event.
To attend, please register prior to the workshop with Charlotte Mellentin (
Thursday, January 20, 2022
14.30-15.00 CET
Welcome Address
Ulf Brunnbauer, Academic Director of the Leibniz Institute for East and Southeast European Studies (IOS)
Borbala Zsuzsanna Török, Guido Hausmann
15.00-17.00 CET
World-Making and World-Ordering, 17-19th Centuries
Guido Hausmann (Chair)
Sarah Albiez-Wieck, University of Cologne:
Social Difference and Mobility in the Spanish Empire, 17th-18th Centuries
Volker Bauer, Herzog-August Bibliothek Wolfenbüttel:
Scaling Staatenkunde. State Description and the Global Community of States in the Series of the German Publisher Renger (1704-1718)
Borbala Zsuzsanna Török:
Staatenkunde Goes Global: Göttingen, Scotland, India Late 18th – early 19th Century
Willard Sunderland, University of Cincinatti (Discussant)
17.30-20.00 CET
Legal and Infrastructural Geographies
Katya Boltunova (Chair)
Manuel Bastias Saavedra, MPI Rechtsgeschichte Frankfurt:
Seeing Like a State? Territorial Consolidations, Migration, and Private Law: Chile, 18th and 19th Centuries
Bogumil Szady, Catholic University Lublin:
The First (and the Last) Detailed Description of the Pre-Partition Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth
Marina Loskutova, Higher School of Economics of St. Petersburg, Anton Kotenko, Higher School of Economics of St. Petersburg:
19th-Century Hydrographic Maps of the Russian Empire as Representations and Instruments of Territorialization
Tibor Bodnár-Király, Eötvös Loránd University:
From Mapping to Measuring: State-Description and Enlightenment in Eighteenth-Century Hungary
Borbala Zsuzsanna Török (Discussant)
Friday, January 21, 2022
10.00-12.00 CET
Peripheries from Above and from Below
Borbala Zsuzsanna Török (Chair)
Nilanjana Mukherjee, University of Delhi:
Spatialising the Great Indian Desert
Konrad Clewing, IOS Regensburg:
Dalmatia as an Austrian Province, as Described by its Ruler (1818) and by one Early Geographical Expert (1857)
Andriy Posunko, Dnipro:
Bringing Imperial Order to the Wild Steppes: The Invention of New Russia (Novorossia), Late 18th-early 19th centuries
Jörn Happel, Helmut-Schmidt University, Hamburg (Discussant)
14.00-16.00 CET
Uses of State Descriptions in the Late 19th - Early 20th Century
Willard Sunderland (Chair)
Katya Boltunova, Higher School of Economics Moscow:
Russia’s Golden Ring in Touristic Descriptions, 19th - 20th Century
Zilola Khalilova, Institute of Oriental Studies, Academy of Sciences Uzbekistan, Tashkent:
Political Knowledge in School Textbooks: On the Creation of Imperial Mentality in Turkestan, 1884-1920
Martin Rohde, University of Halle-Wittenberg:
Illustrating the Empire: Circulating Photographs in Late Habsburg State Descriptions
Guido Hausmann (Discussant)
16.30-19.00 CET
Counter-Concepts and Competing Representations, 20th - 21st Centuries
Manuel Bastias Saavedra (Chair)
Guido Hausmann, IOS Regensburg:
World Ordering of Anarchist Geographers: Petr A. Kropotkin and Élisée Reclus (late 19th - early 20th Century)
Martin Deuerlein, University of Tuebingen:
The Origin of the State? European Descriptions of the Six Nations / Iroquois Confederacy and their Significance for the Indigenous Movement
Karolina Kluczewska, Ghent University:
Visual State- and Nation-Building: Representing the Past, Present and Future in Tajikistan
Anna-Katharina Wöbse, University of Giessen:
Space, Place, Land, and Sea: Framing the Global Wadden Sea
Volker Depkat, University of Regensburg (Discussant)
Concluding Discussion